(9.9) Tefal home and kitchenware on Shopee specific products up to $99 off voucher fryer steamer cookware and more
(9.9) Tefal home and kitchenware on Shopee specific products up to $99 off voucher fryer steamer cookware and more

Tefal home and kitchenware on Shopee specific products up to $99 off voucher fryer steamer cookware and more.
Collect shop voucher to be use on 9.9 for $99 off or $49 off for specific products only.
Easy & Grill Precision EY5058 (air fryer) - $199 (UP $349)
Easy Fry & Grill Classic (air fryer) - $149 (UP $269)
Pro Style Care Garment Steamer IT8460 - $212 (UP 269)
Turbo Cruisine 5L Multicooker CY7548 - $199 (UP $299)
Tefal Day by Day 8pcs Set G143S8 - $189 (UP $345) ***ON 4Sep - $142
Shop Tefal here for more discount
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